5 Reasons You're Struggling to Consistently Stick Within Your Calorie Goal...
5 reasons you're struggling to consistently stick within your calorie goal...
Most you us will roughly know or will be eating towards a calorie goal. For some of you it will often be hard to stick within these calories...
These are 5 of the main reasons that I identify within my clients for trier overeating:
Reward/Restrict cycles. So you've had some good news, you reward yourself with some (or a lot) of cake. You then panic yourself into a restrict cycle for the next few hours/days until either your will power runs our OR you have some more good news and rewards yourself with food.
You are distracted when you're eating. How many of you or your family sit watching the TV whilst eating? There is a fair amount of research arguing that if you are not aware of what you are eating you overeat. Instead, focus on how satiating the food is, how much you are enjoying it and focus on chewing it!
You're not sleeping enough. Every fitness professional bangs on about sleep. And there is a reason for this. Sleep (or lack of) impacts our hormones known as Leptin and Ghrelin that influences out appetite. Poor sleep over a prolonged period is shown to increase calorie consumption as a result of the detrimental effect on these hormones.
You love a snack. Us Brits love a snack. Going for a walk? Need a snack. Walking to the car? Need a snack. You can use as many low calorie tricks of the trade as you like, but remember, everything you eat will eat into your calorie allowance. I personally would save food for your meals and make them as satiating as possible.
Your meals don't provide enough volume. The key to intuitive eating as well as sticking within your calorie goal is food volume. Pick foods that provide a huge volume per calorie amount. I personally reach for all green vegetables (i never track these) such as kale, spinach, asparagus etc and butternut squash noodles. They bulk out my meals for very little calories AND really increase your micronutrient content.
Remember, dieting can be hard. If you need some more advice about creating an environment for success and entering a system that will get you results, follow the links below...